Can Virtual Doorman® Replace a Traditional Doorman?

People often ask whether Virtual Doorman®, a remote doorman system, can truly replace a traditional, human doorman. Does Virtual Doorman provide the same amount of service and security? How does the price of Virtual Doorman compare to a traditional doorman? Today, we will answer those questions, plus more. Privacy While there is something to be said about being greeted by name with a smile from a human by a traditional doorman, there are many people who prefer not to have someone at the door who knows every single time you come and go from your building. When you live in a building with Virtual Doorman, you can feel secure in your privacy and also know that we are there for you, on demand, whenever you need us. Cost Apartment buildings with a traditional doorman cost significantly more to live in than a building without. Buildings that utilize Virtual Doorman as an alternative will spend about 10% of what they would if they employed a traditional doorman. Virtual Doorman can provide almost everything that a traditional doorman can, but at a fraction of the price. Each apartment building can choose the service option that fits their budget and works best for their building and tenants. Each service plan can also be customized with options to add on additional services. With Virtual Doorman, apartment managers can select service options according to their needs and budget, so that they can offer their tenants high-end amenities without breaking the bank. Tipping A traditional doorman costs more to have on staff than Virtual Doorman does, and tipping is also recommended, especially during the holiday season. This is a reality for many people who live in apartment buildings with traditional, human doormen. So, not only are you paying more to live in the building, but you will also be expected to shell out more money in tips. You will never have to tip Virtual Doorman, no matter the season and Virtual Doorman will also not take any time off for the holidays. Virtual Doorman is always at your service and costs less in more ways than one. Security Buildings with an attended lobby offer additional security and peace of mind. There is someone at the door protecting your building from intruders and unwanted visitors. With a doorman, you never have to worry about people gaining access to your building that shouldn’t. The same is true when Virtual Doorman is on duty because our system is also a security system. With Virtual Doorman, your building will be equipped with security cameras. Anyone who is not a tenant will have their identity verified before they are permitted to enter the building by Virtual Doorman operators. So, you are not relying on a virtual system alone; you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that real people at our control center are always on duty to help ensure your safety and the safety of everyone in the building. Amenities A traditional doorman is considered a high-end amenity. You have someone at the door to greet you, sign for your packages, and keep your building safe. A doorman is something that is typically offered in only higher-end apartment buildings. The same is true with Virtual Doorman, You’ll have a state-of-the-art remote doorman system that acts as building security, accepts your packages, greets and verifies your guests, assists with building management, and even has a virtual concierge feature. Virtual Doorman also protects residents from getting locked out of their apartment. When you choose Virtual Doorman, you are receiving everything that a traditional doorman can do, plus more and for a fraction of the cost. Virtual Doorman can be offered in every apartment building rather than just expensive, high-end buildings. Mobile App and Web Portal For buildings with traditional doormen, interacting with the doorman usually involves a trip to the lobby or a conversation by calling down to the lobby. This is not the case with Virtual Doorman. If you want to allow access for a delivery or guest, ask for a recommendation from our virtual concierge, or access any other features, you can do so with a few simple clicks on our Web Portal or mobile app. Virtual Doorman can be accessed from anywhere and anytime, whether you are in your apartment, out on the town, and whether it is a weekend, night, or holiday. Virtual Doorman is always at your service. Learn More About Virtual Doorman visit this link When you live in a building with Virtual Doorman, you may not be greeted with a smile every time you walk through the door, but you will enjoy more privacy, convenience and affordable living. You will receive many benefits that go beyond that smile. You’ll have a state-of-the-art building security system keeping you safe, have your packages delivered when you’re not home, have round-the-clock access to our virtual concierge service, and much more.